
Showing posts from 2018

Perle Rare

A la beauté, l'amour, l'élequence, la délicatesse et la finesse d’âme, A cette amie aux yeux vaillants qui nous guide vers la lumière, A cette soeur qui nous encourage, et pousse de l'avant, A cette haleine pure, pleine des bienfaisants aiguails, A la renoncule cristalline qui éclaire nos obscurités, A cette délice palmée qui arrose des coeurs brisés, A cette belle demoiselle qui procure de l'amour, A cette femme fontaine qui vol sans ailes, A ce rayon d'ardeur et d'ésperance, A cette femme mérveilleuse, Au pillier de la famille Oui, cette Femme All women deserve to be celebrated every day!May this day dedicated to you, bring you so much joy...You are strong, you are beautiful, you are awesome, you are smart, you are kind, you are unique and you deserve to receive back the love you always give others.  Happy Woman's Day to All women out there 😍 💓 !! Lovie😍

Smile Little Woman

Smile little woman, smile! Smile to uplift your surrenders, Smile for all God's wonders inside you, Smile for an everlasting pleasure to your home, Smile little woman, smile! smile for the sake of life, Smile for the sake of smile, Smile for the sake of happiness, Smile little woman, smile! Smile for the tough life you have been through, Smile even when life brings you nothing but tears, Smile it back because you are strong enough to stand it,  Smile little woman, smile! Smile to make the world pacifist, Smile to lighten the most darkened hearts, Stand Up and Shine like stars and keep the shadows behind… Retrieved from here ©lovie😍

To The New Adventure.....

As we've already stepped into a new year, everyone is so hasty and ready to see what 2018 will bring on a plate. Well well, before the end of this first month,  2018 we have to talk. I know it’s so hard to read in people’s minds but mine is soooo easy to guess. Hey you, I don’t need boundaries, shits, pain, misfortunes, and everything that goes with. I made things clear before you popping in and I hope we are now Ok. I heard you are more dedicated to women, then let’s just be in love since I can’t help myself being your rival. I know you have plenty to offer, but provide me only what I ask no bonuses, please!! And on my behalf, I promise to change, to revive, and mostly to love myself. That Crush??? I will propose him, That Liberty??? I will fight for it, That Look??? I will make it clean, That Dream??? I will chase it, That Decision??? I will take it, That Love??? I will feel it, That Ceremony??? I will attend it, Those Calories??? I ...