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Have you ever asked yourself why people can't mind their own business?
It freaks me out when I think about it.  
People are just funny in these days if I can call it. You meet someone instead of asking you if you are fine, but he/she is like "OMG what happened to you, you're exploding soon." So what😬?? Dear I am not an explosive.
That is not a compliment neither a greeting.
Why crapping people's lives while you have tons to do?

You gain weights; you are getting fat
You lose some; you are becoming anorexic
You put short outfits; you don't have values (b***h)
Put on long attires; you are hiding something
You drink alcohol; you're an alcoholic
You don’t drink; you are boring.

For God's sake, stop blabbing and look for interesting subjects because your comments are just annoying....
One thing is sure; people will never get satisfied, they will always criticize you no matter how hard you will try. So, live your life and don't give a damn.

Your life
Your decisions
Your mistakes
Your imperfections
None of their biz!!

 #Nothing personal, I was just thinking out loud 🙈



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